What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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MiTasol: Do a little checking around and see if anyone does grocery delivery. An alternative is finding a personal shopper to do it for you guys.

Any of these stores nearby?
Fortunately friends close by and our son in Bundy have already volunteered but I worry that our needs will be more than I am comfortable with asking.

For example our son has said he will shut up shop on his new business whenever we need transport and provide it but that is not good for a new one man business especially when that business requires two lots of international travel for him in the period when this is likely to happen.

Thanks for that. In our area Coles do deliveries for what I consider a very reasonable price (about the same as the fuel costs us for a trip to town). Need to order a few days in advance but when you are used to planning your shopping based on wasting an hour each way to get to town that is no big problem
Sign's back up.
For the first time sine 1974, I have called in sick. I gave them a heads up this morning that I would miss at least the first three night-shifts. Dispatch told me many people are calling in
Test some rest if you can, the Flu is hitting alot of people locally and quite a few schools are closed due to it.
Hope you and yours are doing better in a couple of days.

I worked night shift for 20 years and I used to get sick much more often than I have for the last 15 years mostly on day shift.
Every time I look at a post from NASA on Facebook (nice pictures b.t.w.), the comment section is full of FLERFS shouting "CGI", "FAKE", or the worst one "He is still alive" about an astronaut from the ill fated Challenger or Columbia missions (the last one really pisses me off). They saturate the comment section so much, it's hard to ask a decent question and get a decent answer. Where do all these guys come from? Is education getting to such a sorry state worldwide?

Its ridiculous how stupid we have become. I have a friend (well I'll call him former friend) who has completely gone off the deep end. He has fallen into the trap and believes all the Q, flat earth, chemtrails, moon landing, 5G, etc. conspiracy theories.

Total science denier as well.

Their lack of understanding and comprehension of science does not make it fake or wrong. Idiots…

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