What Annoyed You Today?

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Someone bid up the item I was wanting over on that popular E-bay auction site to over$30 with two plus days left. A year ago the same item was selling for$15 - $20 at the same place. Item is no longer in production and looks like people are catching on.
Drove home from work tonight down a 60mph road following some fool driving at 30mph. This persisted for a good six miles as it is a very bendy single-lane road - I finally managed to pass the guy at the next island. That was the second annoying thing - it's a fun road to drive down at or near the speed limit
Mn. Supreme Court just ruled in favor of Al Franken in his court battle to be the 2nd Senator from Minnesota. Don't mind a Democrat being our Senator, since Minnesota has histroically been a Democratic State (except for Governor, go figure), but Al Franken, C'mon people!!!
I put a truck for sale on Ctaiglist. It cannot be driven. VERY bad wheel alignment. I made that clear in the ad.

Why do idiots call and think they can drive it away???? And then get upset when I tell them it can't be driven??? Don't they read????? I'm selling it dirt cheap - what do they want, a freakin' Bentley!!! WTF!!!!!

What can I say. Stupidity can't be learned, they're simply born with it.
Came to the realization that one of the Medications I have been on for around 6 months or so is causing an allergic or other type of reaction with Beer!!! Had two beers on Friday evening and was sick most of the day on Saturday with severe stomach cramps. This has happened the last few times I've drank a beer or two so time to give it up.

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