What Annoyed You Today?

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Went on my publisher's website and discovered that they raised my book's price to $16.95 USD... How in hell is a new author supposed to sell books with such an expensive price ?

When I first got published, they were selling my book at $12.95 USD, then they raised it to $14.95 and now $16.95... If they continue that way, they're gonna hit the $20.00 bar within two years !

Man ! I'm a friggin new author... Sell my books at about 10 bucks ! Otherwise no one will buy them !
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Been down with the flu for 2 days, still have a major headache. Also, I managed to pinch a nerve in my left arm in my sleep and now the middle, ring, and pinky fingers on my left hand are extremely numb. Managed to sand then skin off my left middle finger when sharpering a block plane blade last evening while watching TV and not paying attention. Didn't even feel it, just noticed blood on the sandpaper.
To top it off my home computer crashed last night and needs everything reloaded.
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Been down with the flu for 2 days, still have a major headache. Also, I managed to pinch a nerve in my left arm in my sleep and now the middle, ring, and pinky fingers on my left hand are extremely numb. Managed to sand then skin off my left middle finger when sharpering a block plane blade last evening while watching TV and not paying attention. Didn't even feel it, just noticed blood on the sandpaper.
To top it off my home computer crashed last night and needs everything reloaded.
Sounds like you are having a bad week.
Accidentally dropped my laptop today (got the power cable caught on the door whilst I was carrying it). The impact made it shut down (which is expected) but when I turned it back on again the keyboard didn't work but only a small section of keys (ASDFJKL;' and return - so the most useful ones). Likely going to need a new keyboard for it (which has been needed for a while because I knocked off the return key in January of last year). Oh well, at least it still works fine other than that but it hasn't malfunctioned the last couple of times it has been accidentally dropped (so it is probably due). :mad:
Finding out that a good mates bucks night is on the day before, and finding out on someone else's facebook and not getting invited!!!!!!


Seeing the same friends comment on "How lovely the wedding was" and how "It was such a perfect day"

Really makes you think differently about some mates.

Four poofs in a fannywagon (open top Audi, red too) giving me attitude!

That could be the intro to a really great joke;) Four Poofs pull up to Lucky at a stoplight, fill in the rest.

Big Traditional Archery Shoot this weekend and I managed to break 4 arrows in the last few days. Down to only four halfwa decent arrows left and trying frnatically to get a half dozen or so more build by the weekend. Paint and Stain just will not dry, too much humidity in the air this week. Don't want to shoot sticky arrows.
Well what a rubbish few days! Basically I've found out the company that owns my house have gone bust and the bank wants to reposess it! The landlord hasn't paid any bills and has vanished, so I now have no internet (just a flying visit here) and the gas electric are about to be cut off! I'm moving back to college for the summer so am at least sorted for somewhere to, but need to get all my stuff up there asap in between working. I'm much farther away from work now, but at least it's somewhere to live. On top of that my sister's wedding is very soon and I have loads of shows I'm supposed to be going to. Not to mention saving for New Zealand!

Oha nd I'm afraid I needed to cut down on stuff fast, so many of my half finished models had to be binned!

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