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Got a batch of beef stew going ,trying to get to the shop to work on the Mossie and the wife keeps wanting my help on cookies
Got a batch of beef stew going ,trying to get to the shop to work on the Mossie and the wife keeps wanting my help on cookies

If you start eating the dough, she'll stop asking you to help. Just sayin'.

Relaxing on a Sunday afternoon, 'bout to go plop down in the easychair and start reading a bit....also trying to shake the mental image of an overcaffeinated Golden Retriever excitedly yelling "Ball!!!". Darn "Image Caption" thread...
Silly....I'm on the forum reading and posting in this thread....

Reading this thread instead of cleaning the kitchen like I should be.
Both apply.

Lol, that one works every time no matter who is making the cookies. The only problem is I prefer the uncooked cookie dough over the baked cookies.

Cannot for the life of me remember where I put three big balls of yarn (schwarz/rot/gold), and looking like a desperate madwoman for it.
And cleaning up in the process, so at least it's good for something.
Looking for another project to work at since this project is coming to an end. $750 million in our companies bank account.....check! $1.5 billion on the next project......(fingers crossed I get it)
I'm sitting literally in an empty house except for one room that I live in and it's Spartan at best. Wife is living in Texas at her new job and I'm trying to sell both our house and condo here in Colorado. We try to visit each other as often as possible but the commute is a bit much. I come to the forum to lift my spirits some as I have more friends here than anywhere else and the time of day doesn't matter. With any luck I will be with my wife by the end of March.
Watching some wonderful female opera singers perform, on YouTube.
Amazing what the human voice can do with years of training, and a brilliant artist performing!
Trying to wake up before heading to a scheduled appointment at my car dealership to get one of my wife's 4Runner's tires replaced (darn nails). Listening to the munchkin tell my wife how much she doesn't want to get a shower, and also to a beagle scratching that which itches. Noisily.
The missus bought me a Kindle (eReader) and I have been downloading a few WW-II books. After I finish the book-book I'm reading,
I will start using the Kindle.


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