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Waiting for Microscale decal film to dry on the homemade yellow Ps that will go on my "captured" (more found in bits really) Bf109G-14,the one that eventually became EA*2, VD358.
Luckily I've got Saracens v Leicester to watch in the meantime
Night Fighter, you too? Sounds a bit like me. I am back in Joliet right now after driving up from Arkansas yesterday. Trying to sell the houses here and in Aurora. Going to be here for about two weeks and then it is back to Arkansas. Nothing is selling may have to drop the price again
Getting ready for the Rammstein concert in Forum, Copenhagen tonight.
Spikes set, clothes clean and on, german flag color socks on, nails done w. BMW nail stickers and german flags, I just need my wallet, ticket, id, train card, cell phone and keys, then I'm ready to rock!
Quietly getting on the outside of a bottle of Red.....with the aid of some mature cheese ...sweet dreams !

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