What Cheered You Up Today?

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Well done Aussie more than I could manage, I left school with nothing at 15.

My cheer up was I beat six guys in an interview showdown for a new position in tech support just got to see and sign the new contract then its goodbye shift work and hello another six grand a year.
busting out 75 miles plus with friends this past Sunday .........8) dang it was hot at 4,000 '


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After 12 years and 2 kids finally married my long suffering better half yesterday.
Spent a nice relaxing day with my wife on my Birthday today. Earlier tonight we went to our favorite Italian Restaurant for my Birthday dinner where I ate some wonderful Muscles in White Wine Sauce and a great Grilled Octopus. The damn tentacles were almost as big as my wrist! mMMMM it was good!

Going to actually celebrate with my friends for my birthday next week when they all return from vacation.
Birthdays are always good - everyone gives you free food and drink. Hope your wife picked up the tab!

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