What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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Vic, the Cherokee had an intermittent electrical fault, possibly from the imobiliser, which prevented it starting sometimes, and cutting out at others! A bit dicey! No one could find the fault, but a mate of a mate thought he could fix it, and offered me a good price for it, so - it was sold!
I'm pleased with the 'new' one so far, as it appears to be in very good condition, and has been regularly serviced, and all the things which would need doing by now have been done - and at 39mpg on a run, 27 to 30 around town, I'm not complaining, with fuel at £5+ per gallon!.
Finally broke out the new smoker yesterday and BBQ'ed up a 8 pound pork butt. After 9 hours of cooking it was done. Pulled it apart and made pulled pork sandwiches. Whipped up a batch of Apple Vinegar-Mustard sauce to go on top. Man that was good!!! If only you guys had smello-vision and tasto-vision on your computers I'd share
Looking forward to leftovers tonight!!!
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Very cool Cassie!

And the hair has never looked better!
Happened to notice a bright shiny silver spot in the sky while taking some boxes out to the garbage at work this morning....turned out to be a B-25 circling around to land at Meecham Field nearby!
Good news. After a two year delay because of the global recession, proper construction of the new long awaited 'Trinity Quarter' shopping mall in my home city of Leeds got underway today with the first steel column lifted into place. The scheme was started about three years ago but went on hold along with virtually all other construction projects in Leeds, but the builders moved back on site about three months ago, two tower cranes went up recently, and now at last above ground construction has started (there's a site webcam for regular updates of progress). Ground works are also underway for our new music/entertainment arena, so things are looking up a bit.
Got my eyesight back today! Eye surgery went well yesterday and today I can see better than I have for years......
Cool P40nut, congratulations!

A friend - Christina - popped by today with my two new shirts - two similar white shirts w. chinese collar and long sleeves.
She had ordered some clothes herself, and took my order along, so I paid her when she got here with the shirts.
They're really nice, soft and comfortable.

Oh, and placing my first ever internet order at Model Hobbies UK, too.
Got my eyesight back today! Eye surgery went well yesterday and today I can see better than I have for years......

That's cool P40nut, life will take on a whole new meaning now, am delighted for you.

Oh, and placing my first ever internet order at Model Hobbies UK, too.

First on line order hay Maria, once you get the bug, it's hard to stop. Happy future shopping.
Lots of you northern hemisphere types would not understand this, but lots of lovely heavy rains this last couple of days, dams are almost full, first time since 1997, rivers are again flowing and the bush is the best I've ever seen it in the 26 years I've been here. AND it's still raining.

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