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For the last 3 weeks I've had to drive around with the 16 year old factory fit speakers in my car. Being a bit of an audiophile, listening to speakers with an RMS of 6 watts was tantamount to torture but being a stupid size it took a while to find replacements. But after getting them out am modifying the brackets with a big drill and saw, I have 4 lovely new speakers in
Started planning our vacation this summer. We are going to spend 2 weeks in Crete. Should be a good time relaxing on the beach and hiking in the hills and visiting old Greek ruins.
holy crap try to get some pics of the olde fifelds though Crete has changed so much from what I hear, Chris maybe a museum or two for the tragic battle there ?

hey is it snowing yet in your little berg ?, we still have it on the hills, when I can see the hills through the ice~fog
holy crap try to get some pics of the olde fifelds though Crete has changed so much from what I hear, Chris maybe a museum or two for the tragic battle there ?

I will take lots of pics. We are still about 6 months away from going though. We are just booking everything now because it is cheaper when you do it this early.

Erich said:
hey is it snowing yet in your little berg ?, we still have it on the hills, when I can see the hills through the ice~fog

Nope no snow Erich. Whether Global Warming is real or not it certainly is warmer here in Bavaria. We normally have about 2+ ft. of snow and a temp of about -2 this time of year. It is about 8 C and I can go outside with just a sweater on.

It has been this way 2 years straight now.....

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