What Cheered You Up Today? (4 Viewers)

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Monday I talked with my boss about the odd chance of me getting a job as a dactyloscopy technician (fingerprint geek) at the Forensic Department/Crime Tech, and my boss didn't think that it was a possibility.
I've applied for such a job before, and I was invited for a job interview together with 12 others out of 354 applicants.
Didn't get the job though.
Anyway, today, I happened to search for something completely different, and up popped a job ad...the Forensic Department/Crime Tech guys was looking for...ta-daaaaa: A fingerprint geek. :D
Qualifications is no problem (- yay!), and the upgrading/training is taken care of by the Forensic/Crime Tech Department itself.
I'm going to give it a try again, and this time I've got an excellent recommendation from my boss to throw in as well, plus plenty of work hours, some experience et al.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, please guys?
Thanks guys! *hugs the gang* And Terry - I will. ;)

Good thing today?
Went to pick up stuff for the museum far outside of Copenhagen today - and got to meet the sweetest elderly couple. :D
He is 90, she is 88 - and they were just so very sweet, kind and nice!
The man had a lot of books for us, and I went to pick 'em up.
To top it off, the trip out there was awesome too, curvy country roads, green hills, sunshine, golden fields, mild winds, a few fluffy clouds, birds singing - idyllic countryside big time.
Sometimes, when you get to do a wee job like that to do, it's pure joy. :)
Application done, resumé added, recommendations added...*happy grin*
I think I'll drive in and deliver the application at the internal post office at the central police station myself, I don't trust yer ordinary post office mail yobbo that much! :D
Mmmh, and morning coffee. Yum. :)
Hope it all goes well for you Maria! 8)

After a great week at work, the spell broke last night and I had one the worst shifts I can remember. I am now very cheered by being home, enjoying the early sunshine, and looking forward to a bit more work on the Chieftain before I hit the hay

And knowing I've got one more shift before I have a whole week off, to be spent between sunny Cornwall and visiting family just come over from the States :)

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