What Cheered You Up Today? (4 Viewers)

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Spent saturday at the Finger Lakes Wine Festival in Watkins Glen New York. Almost 100 vineyards present. Tasted ALOT of wine, got REALLY, REALLY drunk and thoroughly enjoyed myself, and the best part was, could not be summoned back to work for a service call. To far away and to hammered.
A friend sent me an unexpected gift - and when I saw it, I just thought: Yeah - what else but BMW nail stickers??? :D

Is that actual nail polish under those BMW decals or is it Testors Silver Acrylic;)

What cheered me up today. Last day of taking steroids for a nasty case of Poison Ivy. Maybe now I can get rid of the sore neck and shoulder, feeling dead tired all day but not being able to get to sleep at night!!!
75% chance i'm going to give my notice in at work tomorrow, feel much better, just hoping the agency i'm signed up with has some work for me by the end of August, if they are pretty confident they will i'll be in the bosses office by 10am !
- pulled myself together and fixed my jeans legs, they drooped on the back and sucked up dirt, rain water, and they frayed from dragging on the ground. Ew.
And coffee. I hereby grade coffee strength in four categories: Beginner, ordinary, police and slices. ;)
I haven't been on much so I didn't start a thread, but it's cool nonetheless. I working as an unpaid intern down at the New England Air Museum. Technically I'm a volunteer, but my nametag lists me as a intern. :) I mostly help with the big tour groups that come through, and have had the opprotunity to talk and let those groups inside our DC-3.

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