What Cheered You Up Today?

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Just got home from my colonoscopy and endoscopy at the hospital. GOOD news, no colon cancer. BAD news, still can't find the damned bleeding ulcer. WORSE news, still on that mother f'ing yogurt and soup diet because of it.
Got five vintage fountain pens at a bargain price - 49 DKK each. All need some TLC, but it's still a really nice bargain, considering the danish prices on vintage pens here.
A pen that needs a new ink sac + TLC in general, usually cost from 150 DKK and up, so - yup, bargain alright.

Plus I got two unused notepads/books and a danish RAF buttonhole badge from the 1940's as well; pens, pads and badge all found at Herold's Warehouse in Amager.

The zippo is added to show the size of the note-thingies.

And I got a really nice brass rocker blotter at the thrift shop in Vanløse, 25 DKK.

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...and I won't be able to go to my best friend's fathers' funeral tomorrow, but I'll be able to go the little private ceremony, where his ashes gets spread on the sea.
Glennie died on thursday night last week, he was 92 years old and a former police officer, who just barely avoided getting sent off to the KZ-camp Buchenwald during WW2, when the german occupying forces rounded up the danish police and sent them off.
Glennie accidentally got delayed when he was supposed to meet in, got warned by the neighbours to the police station that the germans was up to something, and he promptly escaped, going underground and joined the danish resistance fighters.
After the war he settled down, and later had a family, of which his daughter became my best friend.
Whenever I called her, he always wanted to hear how I was - and the other way around of course, and when I visited her, she, her father and I had one helluva great time together.
He was a really cool, tough old guy with a wonderful sense of humour - a cop of the old school - and I loved him.
So yes, it sucks that I won't be able to go to his funeral tomorrow, but at least I'll be there for his final ceremony, and that feels damned good.
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Great to hear Maria ! Have a Gammeldansk in his honour for me. Only met a few RD members, and they were all very brave people. Part of WW2 that most people know nothing about.
Strong winds today when i took the missus to do her shopping, as she headed in an old lady came out using her walker and was having a real hard time of it, i got out my car and offered to help her cross the road, she accepted and was very pleased that i offered to help her get across the road....
Dad's heart surgery - one bypass and a new heart valve - went well today.
He's in intensive care, out of the respirator, very tired but stable, and it's looking good according to the nurse that Mom talked with.


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