What Cheered You Up Today?

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biscuits and gravy for breakfast..and chips and bean dip for lunch..and now beer lol Yeah I know that's not exactly a healthy diet for my health right now but I dont care! it cheered me up lol
Visited dad at the hospital again today; it isn't very far from work, so I walked over there.
He was happily surprised, and to my great and most positive surprise, he was feeling really great today. :bounce: They've given him two bags of plasma yesterday, and that has helped a lot. :)
He went to the physiotherapist today, to get instructions in how to take care of himself, handle himself and do things without putting too much stress on his own body - and he felt that the therapist and the instructions was really useful. :)
He was in a great mood and feeling good, he had even had a shower today all by himself (the nurse was there just for safety's sake), and he has started walking around all over the place, without using his walker. :thumbleft: :thumbright:
So if the heart scans look good tomorrow, he might go home tomorrow afternoon. :D
AND get away from the horrible hospital food, and go back home to mom's good food. ;)
Visited dad at the hospital again today; it isn't very far from work, so I walked over there.
He was happily surprised, and to my great and most positive surprise, he was feeling really great today. :bounce: They've given him two bags of plasma yesterday, and that has helped a lot. :)
He went to the physiotherapist today, to get instructions in how to take care of himself, handle himself and do things without putting too much stress on his own body - and he felt that the therapist and the instructions was really useful. :)
He was in a great mood and feeling good, he had even had a shower today all by himself (the nurse was there just for safety's sake), and he has started walking around all over the place, without using his walker. :thumbleft: :thumbright:
So if the heart scans look good tomorrow, he might go home tomorrow afternoon. :D
AND get away from the horrible hospital food, and go back home to mom's good food. ;)

That's good to hear. Here's to your father getting sprung from captivity soon;)
Visited dad again today together with mom.
The heart scan showed that his heart wasn't beating with the proper rhytm, so off he went, got anaesthe...anae...knocked out, they gave him a jolt of electricity, and bingo! Heart now beats with the proper rhytm. :thumbleft:
When we visited him, he had just woken up and was busy digging into a couple of cheese sandwiches and a big glass of milk. :)
I'm just glad that they make damned sure that everything's okay before they let him go. :)
And he looked a lot better today, so I'll take that as a good sign.
I don't know what plans they've got for him tomorrow, so I'll call mom tomorrow afternoon to check if dad has called her and told her anything new.
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Got called into a meeting with my boss last, was a little worried at first. Turned out to be a good thing. He offered me a promotion at work, taking over for the gentlemen in our engine shop who passed away a month or two back. Kind of bittersweet, but am excited for the opportunity as I was wanting to do something different here, I've been up front in sales for going on 11 years now.
if anyone is curious I met Vic Balshaw and his wife for a short visit and gave him a very quick tour of the Falls , limited by the approaching night . Wish it could have been a little longer but he was time limited. Here is a pic of Vic and spouse at the Whirlpool forgot to mentiom that the Whirlpool goes the correct way up here and one of Vic and I


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