What Cheered You Up Today?

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Finally got the phone program installed on the comp, and got a larger storage card for Phone.
Now I've got a Rammphone! :D
Starting at a new project Monday. It will last 4 years and is a 5 minute drive from my house. Also took today off, so I should be able to get some work in on my 2 Group Build models.
Weekend! :D
I got myself a brand new Parker Frontier fountain pen (black/brushed steel), and I found a cool old rocker blotter with brown leather, plus an old faux leather box I can use for my pens.
Damn, that collection is growing fast! :D

Retired police inspector Einer Lind was incredibly kind and generous to me today.
I met him a few days ago, and we talked about the book - his memoirs - that he has written.
I asked him if I could get him to sign my copy of his book for me - and today he had a meeting at the museum, and he had brought a copy of his book for me, plus he signed it.
Now that's both very very kind and generous in my opinion.
Heheh, he was happy, because - as he told me: "It isn't very often that I meet someone from my fan club!" *giggle*

And mom and dad finally got an apartment. :)
Plus dad's been to see his physician, it's good to know that he's being monitored good and well. :)
just got Spitfire The Canadians Vol 1 by Robert Bracken for $35 incl shipping off Ebay they want over a 110 on Amazon. Have Vol 2 and its a great book with lots of photos and such. Robert lived about 400 metres from me , I met him and he asked me ober to see his library of pics which were pretty cool as his Dad was a photographer with the RCAF overseas . Before I had yje opportunity he passed so I never saw the full collection

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