What Cheered You Up Today?

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Glad to hear it, hope he's recovered soon! Do keep us posted.

Seems trivial by comparison but I got to feel all manly today by repairing a bike :lol:
Good news on the home front. Our financial situation improved today. Also got a evaluation from local education agency that my boy is right where he should be for his age, and no further visits or consultations will be needed. We were worried that he was falling a little behind, and the last month or two it seems like someone threw a switch, his speech keep getting better everyday, along with his ABC's, counting, vocabulary, etc!
Thanks guys. :)

Visited dad at the hospital for the first time since surgery, he was looking good, and so is his scar. Impressive! :)
And he's already feeling the improvement, which is great.
Mom and I agreed that it was so good to see him again, and we're happy to see him progressing already. :)
A long walk through the woods with my labradors looking at the leaves just starting to turn, checking up on my badger sett to see overnight activity. No one else about....bliss.

Glad to hear other peoples good news too.
Best wishes for the future BB and Messy

Talked to an old man who was a WWII vet who fought in the Pacific theater like my grandpa did. I was at Starbucks getting my morning coffee like I do always on Saturdays...and he said "Young lady, you are Japanese? Japanese-American?" and I said "Yessir" and he told me how he fought in the pacific theater in Guadalcanal..and I thought WOW..he said next Sat. if he see's me he's gonna show me some pictures and memorabilia. I need to ask my grandma where my grandpa was at during this time cause I told this old man I had no idea. To have the opportunity to speak with these remaining veterans is an honor I think. Each day they're going away so we should always take the time to listen to their stories.
Dad was being incredibly pi**ed off today at the fact that he isn't home from hospital yet.
That tells me a thing or two about how my normally gentle, soft-spoken father is, physically and mentally = getting a lot better fast! :D
If his tests tomorrow turn out alright, they might let him go home on tuesday. :)
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