What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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Put a book up for auction on that big internet auction site last night. Now, after just over 12 hours it has been bid up to over $200 with 6 more days to go!!!
I was rummaging through some old stickers that kids here used to collect in the '70's, when I found five almost unused decal sheets.
There's sheets for a USAF/RCAF unknown plane, a RAF Buccaneer (XW 550/XW525), a Siskin IIIA (RAF), a Sikorsky Sea King (Apollo Recovery) and an unknown WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft.
Funny to find old stuff like that.
Got a call from my youngest daughter, at University in London. She took part in her very first Taekwondo competition yesterday - and won the Silver medal! I'm really pleased, more so as I used to compete when her age - a chip(ette) off the old block!
I just got my car back from the transmission shop, repair came to a little below estimate, under $1500 including tax. Happy to have my car back! Not so happy about the repair cost, but not much could be done about it.
First real spring day today - 16 C, mild wind, sunshine all over - yes!

Went shopping for the beverages we need to celebrate dad's birthday tomorrow, had a nice time.

And the red Lamy Safari fountain pen that I ordered and paid for on monday, arrived from Sweden today. Yum!
It's great to have one of those again, it's a good, sturdy everyday fountain pen.
The old one didn't survive getting accidentally stepped on when I dropped it, I'll be way more careful with this one.

Am looking forward to receive the "Heart of the Ocean" necklace that I bought on eBay, and the black spiked leather necklace I bought at an online metal/goth shop. Talk about contradicting styles!
Someone please bury my MasterCard ASAP!
It's Friday, I just got paid, and the weather is supposed to be sunny to partly cloudy and in the low to mid 70 deg F all weekend. Time to break out the smoker and cook up some good grub, some Guinness to keep me occupied while things cook and maybe a nice Bloody Mary or two (or three) to help keep me mellow!!!! Who's coming over for booze and barbeque?
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I just got my car back from the transmission shop, repair came to a little below estimate, under $1500 including tax. Happy to have my car back! Not so happy about the repair cost, but not much could be done about it.

An accurate estimate from a garage...that would cheer anyone up!
Glad you are sorted Bryon.

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