What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Got a reply from aforementioned friend that I PM'ed on FB about her annoying status updates, telling her how they made her appear = passive-aggressive and not confronting people that annoys her.
She says she won't write about people anymore on FB.
DAFUQ???? :shock:
YAY! She listened! :D :rofl:
Yay! Won a ticket to the performance The Venus Labyrinth with Cantabile 2 at Amager for tomorrow.
And I am going to do a review + photos for Denmark's Radio's Art Club - yes! :thumbleft: :thumbright:
Went and tried two-three different new motorcycle helmets today:
Schuberth S2, Schuberth C3 and BMW System 6.
The S2 didn't fit well (- too tight and edgy inside even though the size was right), the BMW was way too narrow around the cheeks, pressing the inside of my cheeks in between my teeth when the helmet was closed (- ow! Ew! Ick!), and the C3 fitted perfectly and was very comfortable.
The dealer didn't have the C3 in my preferred colour (white), so he ordered it for me, and I'll pick it up tomorrow. :thumbleft:

My old helmet (white BMW System 4) is totally worn out, and frankly it should've been replaced 6-7 years ago. :oops:
The fabric lining is coming undone, the foam liner is coming loose in a couple of places, and there are several tears on the inner lining that need repairs, so it's about time I get me a new helmet.
And the really really cool thing is that I'll then be able to wear it when Bakken opens on thursday - yay!
Plus - I must confess - that I am totally and utterly in love with a very smart feature on the new helmet: Built-in sunglasses that can be flicked out of the way - or in use - at the touch of a glove-friendly button. :thumbleft: :thumbright:
Damn, I'm looking forward to picking up the new helmet! :lol: :thumbleft: :thumbright:


Schuberth C3.
Thanks guys. *hugs* :)
Damn, the new helmet is even better than I thought it'd be!
The air noise is reduced noticeably compared with my old helmet, it's lighter, more comfortable - and the built-in sun visor rrrrrrocks! :thumbleft: :thumbright:
I'm so happy about the helmet, yay! *runs all over the place, bouncing happily about*

Annnnnd...I got me a really nice summer balaclava, too - it's made of pure silk, it was on sale. *snatch* :D
Plus I checked out a couple of off-road boots, but when I checked the price tag (...it's BMW, need I say more??? ;) ) I just...left them standing on the shelf. *broad, toothy grin*
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