What Cheered You Up Today? (5 Viewers)

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Well Meatloaf, you know you've been to the ER a few too many times, when the nurse asks you: "Okay, I know that your birthday is January 10th, what was the year and the last four social security numbers?" :D
Got paid the other day, forgot all about it until mom reminded me today. :D
Later I decided to take mom and dad's car to the car wash - then when I got outside, I decided not to anyway.
Freezing temps + car wash? No. Jut plain no.
Decided to go to the gas station anyway, just for the sheer heck of it.

Ran out of washer fluid on the way, then I could just as well do something about that right away.
Bought some washer fluid - 5 liter can - and refilled Wee Car. Thirsty lil' bugger, 2½ liters of the stuff went in.
Refueled as well, half a tank full of 95 octane á 12.52/liter = approx. 300 DKK. That's when I'm happy that Wee Car is economical to drive! ;)

And I got the latest issue of Top Gear magazine, british edition. Didn't know they had that here in Skovlunde, Denmark. :)
So now I'm reading and relaxing.
God I love Clarkson, Hammond and May! :D

Ah, and for the first time since last monday I've been able to wear both shoes again - the toe swelling has gone down, and the toe isn't nearly as sensitive and sore as it was a couple of days ago. Me likey - esp. in this winter weather! ;)
I've been wearing a tennis sock in an Adidas flipflop on the affected foot, it worked, but I got cold toes alright when going out, so finally being able to wear both shoes again is wonderful! :D
I may be greenlandic of origin, but there are limits!!! :D
I blame that thin-blooded german - Herr Heilmann - who's my ancestor, for this! ;)
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Good luck, indeed.

We now have the public playground for the kids under 10 years, in the small town I live in.

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