What Cheered You Up Today?

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England are through to the World Cup thanks to Rooney's power and Gerrards skill. Fantastic to be top of the group.
Much shouting and cheering last night in this house
England are through to the World Cup thanks to Rooney's power and Gerrards skill. Fantastic to be top of the group.
Much shouting and cheering last night in this house
Nice John! We're through with flying colours as well. I was not even annoyed by the Dutch team, which means the must have been rather good Now hopefully we can beat you guys in Brazil
Nice John! We're through with flying colours as well. I was not even annoyed by the Dutch team, which means the must have been rather good Now hopefully we can beat you guys in Brazil

We are 10th in the world ranking at the moment so... maybe you have a chance.
We shall see

If England are on form we can beat any team... the trouble we have is being consistent. I'm never sure how the squad will play on any given day.

No jokes about Astronauts and Monkeys though....
Found a complete conger eel on the fish counter in the supermarket. Giant conger steaks for friday dinner.

One of my favourite fish (except when sharing a small boat with a freshly caught one.)
Fall is here. My favorite time of the year in the Pacific Northwest. Cool, crisp, the leaves changing, the approaching holiday season. What's not to like.
I agree about this time of year. I'm less keen on winter though I must admit....

What cheered me up today?
I was perfectly happy till I saw the football results at Hartlepool. Now I'm back in angry ranting mode.
Beautiful day flying this morning. Went up for a few hours, and it was just beautiful. All the problems in the world are gone, when you up in the sky.

Even had a beautiful Bald Eagle fly right past at about 1500ft. Such a majestic animal, and to see it in its own element is amazing.

Yeah that cheered me up!

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