What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Did my first operation today under the watchful eye of my consultant, hope the patient will be happy with my work, my hand was all over the place at times...

Good for you Hugh Me looking forward to Thursday be my first day by myself in three weeks + been 7 trips to Oschner Hospital in New Orleans for the wife since June.The surgery the Thursday before Thanksgiving went good go back 12/23 for the last checkup
Did my first operation today under the watchful eye of my consultant, hope the patient will be happy with my work, my hand was all over the place at times...

Congratulations, Doctor!
A surgeon is the highest calling that any of us poor mortals can hope to achieve. Sifting through the muck and goo that is the innards of the average human, well, I salute you!
Got the good news late last night that a friend had got through her triple heart by-pass surgery and is now in intensive care. She is a tough little madam but 7 hours in surgery is a lot for anyone, the big bit is over now its up to Nadine. We will know she is better when she gets all grumpy and starts telling everyone off
Reminds me of a certain "Anti-depressant" marketed on the idiot box a few years back.
Side effects included "Nausea, Diarrhea, Hair Loss, and Erectile Dysfunction."
Now, unless I am mistaken, those are the very things that would cause depression!
Finally....finally, after a week, the Dr. decided to give me meds to ease the pain in my foot. On the label, "Watch for heart attack/stroke signs" That which will comfort me may kill me.

Can't figure some of those meds out...you see them advertised on TV all the time, they plug the medication for 20 seconds then spend the next minute fourty seconds telling you all the horrible side effects.

Just like the ambulance chasers that are always trying to round up people for thier class-action lawsuits. They always start out "have you suffered any of these conditions?" and the list almost always includes death. I'd love to see them handle a phone call: "yeah, hello, I've recently died from this crap the pharmacist gave me...where do I sign up?"
Reminds me of a certain "Anti-depressant" marketed on the idiot box a few years back.
Side effects included "Nausea, Diarrhea, Hair Loss, and Erectile Dysfunction."
Now, unless I am mistaken, those are the very things that would cause depression!

My favorites are the ones for Anti-depressanst with side effect of "low sperm count, growing breasts, may cause suicidal thoughts, and depression in some patients". Wait........what!

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