What Cheered You Up Today?

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New PB for my 1.5 mile run - 9.28, which takes me well under the 10.30 needed for the Parachute Regiment Reserves.

Got 1hr 5 for my 8 mile run the otherday, so progress is going well for the marathon in April.

I'm also almost finished for Christmas, have a thousand words left on my assignment on Power in Medieval Sicily. Then it's just light dissertation research til after Christmas!
It really made my day to know that young Price George is being pushed around in a pram which has had design input from prestige car manufacturer Aston Martin...

The Silver Cross Surf ? Aston Martin Edition

Full racing harness included for babies who like to burn up the pavements. Only 800 being built so ya better be quick!

Just don't get 'noticed', and keep at everything without complaint. As far as the milling is concerned, it's only three minutes, and the body can take a lot of punishment!
Just keep getting up and try to fight back. It's aggression and determination they're looking for, not style.
In my milling bout, I was up against a guy who was six feet three, and weighed around 13 Stones. I was 5 feet ten, and weighed 11 Stones, wet through, on a good day. I lost count of how many times I hit the deck, but I kept coming back, fought through the four pairs of arms he appeared to have, gave him a couple of good thumps, including bleeding at least one of the noses I saw on his face, and won the bout.
The worst part is the log race and the stretcher race - you'll think it's impossible to ever feel as much pain and physical demand, whilst remaining alive!
But it's all over before you know it, and then it's on to the good part - the Para course, where you'll be surprised at how civilised the RAF are, and how bl**dy professional at their job, as well as the good grub and accommodation. Not the same since they got rid of the balloon though .......
A good dump.
I believe I have spread this wisdom before, but it bears repeating.
The most over-rated thing in this world is a piece of @ss, the most under-rated is a good s#it.
You can go years without a piece of @ss, but try going 2 weeks without a good s#it!
Lil'bit of wisdom from yer Uncle Meatloaf!

I'm looking forward to it in a weird way - I hope it's like running, complete pain when you're doing it and afterwards feels more like a blur. Fortunately I live with an R Welsh officer cadet at university, so have a great training buddy!

I hope I make it to the jumps course, just waiting to hear back from the Army after sending my GP forms off. I'll keep you updated.

Wise words, you Old F@rt!
Scored a nice near new Sealey CtC wood turning lathe for 45€ at a vide maison. Now I have to think of something to do with it. SWMBO wants new bobbins for her spinning wheel so that will be a taxing start. Possibly using some of my laburnum stash once intended for a longbow. Always nice to have a new toy.

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