What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Today is Christmas day - which means that, after today, no more bl**dy Christmas adverts, music, crowded shops and streets, advertising and sales POS things that block the aisles in the supermarket and **** up my progress. And less road traffic, so the noise levels are lower.
Brilliant !
Me too! :D

Relaxed day after danish christmas with best biker buddy and BOTH parents.
Mom had an incident a few weeks back, where her blood pressure almost went through the top of her head, it was way too high and she wound up in hospital.
Fortunately she made it with minimum damage, and she's almost back to being her old self. Phew! o_O
So I consider us lucky that we could still celebrate christmas, all of us together.
And a good one it was too. :)
Good stuff Alex - award yourself a pint or six!
Good to hear you had a good time Maria, with both parents able to enjoy Christmas day.
Going to try the marshmallow thing - sounds like fun!
Just did some 'Internet Retail Therapy' myself, and grabbed another P-47 book, a 1/32nd scale F-86 (both cheap!) and a 1/48th scale Meteor F4 conversion set. Hannant's gets a 'net visit' too, come Sunday!
Feel a lot better now!!

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