What Cheered You Up Today?

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I was told, (On the sly), that my name has been coming up regularly at the weekly department managers meetings. (And not in a bad way! Go figure.)
My name keeps coming up for excellent customer service and the humor that I offer. One of the managers, (unidentified), made the comment that no-one should try to match wits with me.
(A little clarification, we have customer service associates, CSA, specialist associates, SCSA, department managers, DMS, and then above them are assistant managers, ASM, and above them is the one store manager, SM.)
There is one ASM that everyone treads lightly around, let's call him "Bob". You know the type, you can be friendly, but not familiar. He would possibly sell his own mother to passing arabs to advance. (I personally respect him; if you want an answer, ask him. You might not like the answer, but at least you get one.)
Anyways, myself and another lowly CSA were in the back near the trash compactor, basically hiding until the magic hour of quitting time, when, who should appear, but "Bob".
"What are you guys working on?"
(Me,) "Oh great!, we were just about to summon you!, we wanted to get rid of this trash."
He unlocks the compactor and while we are throwing the bags in he looks at me sideways and says,
"What did you mean by, "Summon"?
Say's I, (Without thinking), "Well, we thought about sacrificing a goat, but then thought that a phone call would be better."
(Uncomfortable pause, while I continue to throw away trash and contemplate my future unemployment)
I can almost hear the wheels turning in his head, equating goat sacrifice to devil summoning, when he says,
"No wonder no-one want to play with you!"
And although uncertain, I may have just lined myself up with a job for when I graduate! :)

Nice one a mates daughter graduated 2 years ago and ended up in a call centre. She is now retraining as a Vetinary Nurse working and attending college 2 days a week. She is happy as can be to be out of that soul destroying place.
Good on her, in all fairness whilst soul destroying - home can be equally as bad, and I'd rather be working in a call centre than wasting away in unemployment. I've had to work 2 of my 3 years at uni in a factory to fund it, so I'm hoping I'll never have to return to such a horrific place of work!

Admittedly, this one I've got word of through a close friend - I think a lot of jobs are like this, it's all who you know nowadays unfortunately.
Good on her, in all fairness whilst soul destroying - home can be equally as bad, and I'd rather be working in a call centre than wasting away in unemployment. I've had to work 2 of my 3 years at uni in a factory to fund it, so I'm hoping I'll never have to return to such a horrific place of work!

Admittedly, this one I've got word of through a close friend - I think a lot of jobs are like this, it's all who you know nowadays unfortunately.

Most jobs are like that I reckon 3/4 of all job interviews are a sham they already have someone in mind. I got my current job because I play in a Pub Darts team with the manager, I was desperate it wasnt a job I wanted and initially it only payed just enough to keep the wolf from the door but I have grown to enjoy it and now after 4 years I am the Workshop supervisor and all round mechanical God. :lol:
Most jobs are like that I reckon 3/4 of all job interviews are a sham they already have someone in mind. I got my current job because I play in a Pub Darts team with the manager, I was desperate it wasnt a job I wanted and initially it only payed just enough to keep the wolf from the door but I have grown to enjoy it and now after 4 years I am the Workshop supervisor and all round mechanical God. :lol:

Yeah, my old company used to recruit almost 70 - 80% internally, but would still advertise vacancies elsewhere. I'm glad you have got back onto track! I spent a year with 'misdirection' after dropping out of sixth form. I'm happy I'm back in the system now... :)
Not quite Cheering yet but it looks like the Son is finally about to join the USAF [-o< He had joined the Army some 4 months ago done the MEPs and all but decided it was not the gig he wanted so he actually had to sign papers to GET OUT(before boot camp).The next step was he had to wait atleast 30days before he could talk to anyone.He did 3 yrs of JROTC/AF in HS and really enjoyed it and he realizes his job now is going nowhere.
Just found out I've reached the minimum required age to be eligible for Pension Credit (I always thought that was at 65, but I'm not complaining!). This means I might actually be better off - but as the Cameron Star Chamber tend to give with one hand, and take twice as much back with the other, I'll wait and see what happens!
Just found out I've reached the minimum required age to be eligible for Pension Credit (I always thought that was at 65, but I'm not complaining!). This means I might actually be better off - but as the Cameron Star Chamber tend to give with one hand, and take twice as much back with the other, I'll wait and see what happens!

Living in France, after 40 years contributing to the British Welfare State, I cannot claim the pension credit. But if I were a legal immigrant in Britain, who had not contributed, I could. Hmm. This from the same people who tell me I won't get a Winter Heating Alloowance on my pension as France is too warm. Now what were temperatures for 3 weeks two years ago? Oh yes. Minus 20 degrees.

Am I bitter.........?

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