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This made my day. Justin Beiber arrested for drag racing and DUI! It's the small things that make life worth living! :)
Justin Bieber arrested on DUI, resisting arrest charges - CNN.com

What the **** is a Justin Beiber?

Justin Bieber is a no talent, fabricated, puppet on a string, pop singer. Kid is a joke. The only worthwhile thing about him is that Jimmy Fallon used to do a pretty good imitation of him on SNL. He is going to be another Leif Garret. Kid cannot even get in trouble with the law in a respectable way that you would expect a rock star (Bieber not included in the rockstar label!!) too. His house got raided a few weeks ago because he was caught on video egging his neighbors house. What ever happened to rock starts tearing up hotels while be being whacked out on drugs like Led Zepplin?
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Justin Bieber is a no talent, fabricated, puppet on a string, pop singer. Kid is a joke. The only worthwhile thing about him is that Jimmy Fallon used to do a pretty good imitation of him on SNL. He is going to be another Leif Garret. Kid cannot even get in trouble with the law in a respectable way that you would expect a rock star too. His house got raided a few weeks ago because he was caught on video egging his neighbors house. What ever happened to rock starts tearing up hotels while be being whacked out on drugs like Led Zepplin?

I beg you pardon!? The snotty kid is a what now!? :shock:
I'd like to think that it'd be a few proper rock stars that would argue that comment! :lol:
Visited my cousin for the fist time in 23 years. Was great, we got along very well. Lost sight of eachother because of family trouble back then. We decided recently that those troubles were not our troubles, so we got in touch again. All thanks to facebook :)
Yep, family grudges can linger among generations until someone decides to say enough is enough. Glad you were able to reconnect. :thumbup:

I beg you pardon!? The snotty kid is a what now!? :shock:
I'd like to think that it'd be a few proper rock stars that would argue that comment! :lol:

Thank you for pointing out my blatant error in that post Lucky! I will fix it quick as I can!!! Do not want to give that kid anymore ammunition for his severely bloated ego or self image!!

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