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Just got the news that my youngest daughter, who's Birthday it is today, got her results from London University this evening. She's graduated with a 2:1 so a good result and great birthday present !
Downside is, we were supposed to meet at Duxford today, but I'm still not fit enough to travel, so we've re-scheduled for late July or early August. At least then we can celebrate threelandmarks - her Black Belt, Birthday and Degree !
Just watched a show called conspiracy about Hitler not being dead !

Some believe Hitler escaped Berlin through Denmark, Spain the Canary islands then Argentina, where he lived until 1962 with Eva Braun and their 2 daughters who survived until 2000 !

Oh and the EEC and its follow on the EU are actually a Nazi plan and there fore the 4th Reich !

Loved it, so funny !
Watching the next episode of conspiracy.

Now the royal princes Edward and George told Hitler how to invade France by identifying weak spots in her defences.
Prince George duke of kent, who died in a Sunderland crash In Scotland on way to a tour to Iceland was actually going to Sweden with Rudolph Hess to broker a peace deal and the Rudolph Hess who was tried at Nuremburg was a body double !

Brilliant stuff
Some of this conspiracy stuff is so far out there, it's actually entertaining!

The frightening part about the whole thing, is there are actually people out there who believe this stuff!

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