What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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the look on my boss's face when i showed him the menu from todays wedding.
the bimbo's who co-ordinate all the functions at the hotel printed the dessert up like so, bailey's flavour cheese cake with seasonal vegetables, gravy and roast potato's
The British soccer season has finaly come to an end ( apart from a Cup Final ) Cricket takes centre stage and we have the Kiwi's as test visitors this summer .
Spent most of the day over at my wife's grandparent's place, helping him finish off re-siding a shed in the back. He'd broken his arm/shoulder, so I got to do most of the work (skill-saws are sooooooo much fun!). Always a trip workin with that guy. He spent WW2 out on a carrier in the Pacific, as maintenance for SBD's, then did alot of aircraft inspections before retiring and going into the rental house business.

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