What Cheered You Up Today?

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Had the first of two infusions of Ritixumab today, with the second due on Sept 5th.
A long day at the hospital, from 08.30 to 17.00 hrs, sitting in a chair with a drip in my wrist, but it'll be worth it if it works as well as the last one, nearly two years ago, and gives me more mobility and relief.
Glad I don't have to pay the bill too - around £7,000 per infusion I believe !!
Had the first of two infusions of Ritixumab today, with the second due on Sept 5th.
A long day at the hospital, from 08.30 to 17.00 hrs, sitting in a chair with a drip in my wrist, but it'll be worth it if it works as well as the last one, nearly two years ago, and gives me more mobility and relief.
Glad I don't have to pay the bill too - around £7,000 per infusion I believe !!
Good stuff Dogsbody
Hope it goes well Karl - and as for the face to face bit, as long as you add "With respect" before you say f**kwit, you should be fine !!
Typical !

Just had a call from another job i applied for a while ago, they now want to see me next week.
This is for a private school, so much better hours and shift patterns.

I reckon i will be offered the job at the hotel i am going to tomorrow now, and will have to try and stall them so i can keep my options open.

Shouldn't complain i suppose

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