What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Congrats Chris may you and yours have many many more.........and go out and have a hearty German dinner for us with plenty of good German Wine/Bier

dein freund

E ~
Today is me and my wifes 5th Wedding Anniversary. We are not celebrating until tomorrow though, do to school stuff.

My heartiest congrats, Chris. I hope you and your missus will have many,
many more. They tell me the first five are the hardest.... good show !!

I'll toast you and the missus with a Dr. Pepper, this evening.

"eins, zwei, g'suffa!"

here ya go Chris drink up !

of course you both will have to drive east a little towards Regensburg to get the original


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Nice. Tell him you will pay for shells if he takes you to the range. Then again, his MG 34 is likely non-firing (still way cool). And if it is, then HHHOOOOOOOYAAAAH. Beg him to take you to the range. For about a $70-$150, you could have a lifetime memory. Not many people can say they have shot a G43, MG 34, Lugers, etc on a given day.
Oh, I know. I was only there a short time, but I was slobbering like an idiot! IIRC he said that some are fully functional but a few were set up to shoot blanks. Not clear which ones but , man, it was waesome. And I've known this guy for 20 years and never knew!!

Congrats Chris! Here's to another 500 more!
Started doing hill sprints again last night. Have not been able to run, let alone go up a hill for several months now due to foot issues. This alone should help me loose some weight a little faster.
On the flip side, my legs are killing me thins morning from running up hills;( Couple more days of it and they will start getting used to it though.

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