What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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How old is yor kid?
I fact I liked all ages up to now. I's not better, just different. When he was small, he just fell asleep, now het says"No, don't want to go to bed"

He'll be six months old a week from today! He's got his first little tooth starting to poke through too!
Moving into my new house and unpacking my models to find only a minimum of damage, then plugging in the network cable to find it worked straight away, with no messing around.

Also, going to a car show last week, and finding 3 more cars the same model as mine, us 4 represent almost half of the total on UK roads, and mine was the only black one there. Result!

Also, these 3 were there. Lucky they turned up really, heavy rain made the place a mudbath and they spent most of the day dragging stuck cars out (ahh, those poor fools without 4 wheel drive)

Hey Eagles did your son start flying yet? I've been finished with CPT's for three weeks and still haven't started Fams.

He started sims this week - he and several others were placed back into
HT-28, so all that screwing about hasn't helped. But he is warming up now to being a rotor head!
2 Eagles yes you will enjoy that JG 300 book, I'm in contact with a 357th fg chap right now about that ugly January 14, 45 mission, JG 300 got butt kicked but so did JG 301

stormy out, the clouds are moving in 75 % humidity so maybe another light show this afternoon and tonight, I really groove God's handiwork
He'll be six months old a week from today! He's got his first little tooth starting to poke through too!

6 months old.. I already hardly remember what Robin was like at 6 months. He can do so much already.

Oh, what cheered me up, having good results in the lab today, bringing an 8 years long research to a good conclusion..
He started sims this week - he and several others were placed back into
HT-28, so all that screwing about hasn't helped. But he is warming up now to being a rotor head!

Oh Ok - I thought last you had said he got bumped up a week to start with 18... TW-5 is so fickle. I classed up the end of May and still haven't flown yet. HT-28 should be smooth, though, as they are still beefing up with studs.
WCMUT - my court case was finally settled!

I had an incident with a bus last year (399 days ago to be exact) where it drifted into my lane and hit my car. I refused to admit any liability or accept 50/50 and took it all the way to the small claims court. Things started off well when it turned out the driver himself had left the company and was untraceable, so they couldn't get a statement from him. Their case rested on an old woman who was on the bus at the time, and had claimed in her witness statement she had observed me driving into the back of the bus.

After the opening statements 'Did you see the car from where you were sat?' 'No' 'Could you tell if the bus was in its correct lane?' 'No' I was pretty sure I was quids in. Sure enough, the poor old dear was very quickly proved to have no idea of what happened, after it was pointed out it would have been impossible to have seen my car or known the intentions of the bus driver. The end result was a claim in my favour, and £900 on its way to me to repair my car. It's taken a while, and a lot of paperwork, but there is nothing like the sensation of finally being proved right

So big cheers to me, and to First Bus, in the best football terrace style 'who are ya!?'
Had my first few flights in the TH-57B. Damn - that is a ton of fun. I was hovering like a severely drunk man for the first two flights... now I hover like I'm only moderately intoxicated. Getting the hang of it.

Being able to stop in mid-air and hover is an incredible feeling!
Being able to stop in mid-air and hover is an incredible feeling!

Yes it is. You will love flying Helos man. There is nothing better in the world in my opinion.

Oh and what cheered me up. I recieved a job interview for an airline in Denmark that I am trying to get a job with as a aircraft mechanic. The interview is on Thursday.

Wish me luck.

Good luck with that. Hopefully it will work out for you. If it does not, well that's why they invented the chokeslam.

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