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So my students said that he wanted to get a dragon tattoo on his arm when he made black belt. He asked if it would start fights in bars. I said no one carries about tattoos anymore. He was worried about fights. The guy is 50 over 6 foot and a weight lifter. No one is ever going to mess with him anyway.

So he does not know if he will get one. I told him I had one. You want to see it. It is on my a@@. He ask what it was, a dragon? O, no. I got a bunny right. Ok stop the BS. I asked if he wanted to see it. He said no, that I did not get a rabbit. I told him I did and it is the rabbit from the holy grail.

So he does not know if he will get one. I told him I had one. You want to see it. It is on my a@@. He ask what it was, a dragon? O, no. I got a bunny right. Ok stop the BS. I asked if he wanted to see it. He said no, that I did not get a rabbit. I told him I did and it is the rabbit from the holy grail.
Got poked at for not wanting tatoos one time. My response was that I had enough involuntary holes in me, that I didn't need to add a bunch of voluntary ones... :rolleyes:
I Finally Found a Low Calorie low Fat Paczki for Fat Tuesday!
Fat Tuesday Treat.jpg

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