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During my RAF days I spent 2 years in Aden, aircon..............................you'll be lucky. We had a riot while I was there, some my say a mutiny over lack of aircon in the barrack blocks, RAF Regiment were called out and shots fired but within 6 months we had aircon to sleep in. As for work in the hanger, not a chance. A point of interest looking on Google, some of those hangers still stand after almost 50 years. :D
With hangars one wall is essentially a giant door, which is not only very leaky around the edges but gets left open A LOT.

Oh this one was very well built and sealed. It was very comfortable in there, even in the sweltering humid Louisiana summers. Granted the doors only opened a few times a day for that reason.
I did 350 hours in the gym according to the app.
I train hard. Quite hard.
For some reason i can not leave behind the young days just yet.
Not as fast as i used to be but still strong.
Cant help myself although i am not 30 anymore.
Getting up at 06:30 hitting the gym at 07:00 for an hour.
4x a week.

I am kinda proud about that.

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