What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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Basically, we had planned on having at most two Jägerbombs (Red Bull and a shot of Jägermeister for those who may not know), and then we'd be done.

Well, my buddy poured me a larger than average first one, then another two normal ones, plus a shot of straight Jäger, all in half an hour! I didn't think I was drunk, but it was just the Red Bull cancelling the Jäger out, but once the Red Bull wore off, whoo!

I've been there before man :lol: Damn that was a good night!
How do you get drunk by accident?? :confused: I need to try that at some point. I know that I can be "slightly intoxicated" occassionally, but I've never been the "accidental drunk"....do spill the beans please! :lol:
Don't you just love when you watch the Antiques Roadshow, when those elderly people bring something in that looks so-so....and it's worth multi $$$$?
Was two things the show that I just watched, one walked away knowing that their stuff was worth £30.000 and another couple had stuff worth £75.000....! THAT cheers me up in an otherwise miserable world! :D
Very nice! I must get my old, handed-down-through-the -family violin valued some day, it might be worth....£5!
Feeling much better after two days of feeling like I was hit by a train, then run over by a bus, only then to have a 5000# weight dropped on me. Know I know how Wil-E-Coyote felt when all his booby traps backfired on him;)
Tis once again Friday. Expecting a heat wave this weekend up here in Vikingland, 36F!! Sure beats the below zero temps we've been having lately. Time to put on the new long undies (too much info;) and hit the archery range and the lake for some fishing.
Must be book day on the forum today Marcel. I just bought a limited edition, never to be published again book on Turkey Call Makers on e-bay for $40 US. This particular Authors other books are now fetching a sum of $200-$600 per copy nowadays and this one will surely be the same. Now if I could only find his other 2 books for the price I paid for this one I'd be happier.

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