What Cheered You Up Today?

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I've been there before man Damn that was a good night!
How do you get drunk by accident?? I need to try that at some point. I know that I can be "slightly intoxicated" occassionally, but I've never been the "accidental drunk"....do spill the beans please!
Don't you just love when you watch the Antiques Roadshow, when those elderly people bring something in that looks so-so....and it's worth multi $$$$?
Was two things the show that I just watched, one walked away knowing that their stuff was worth £30.000 and another couple had stuff worth £75.000....! THAT cheers me up in an otherwise miserable world!
Feeling much better after two days of feeling like I was hit by a train, then run over by a bus, only then to have a 5000# weight dropped on me. Know I know how Wil-E-Coyote felt when all his booby traps backfired on him
Tis once again Friday. Expecting a heat wave this weekend up here in Vikingland, 36F!! Sure beats the below zero temps we've been having lately. Time to put on the new long undies (too much info and hit the archery range and the lake for some fishing.
Must be book day on the forum today Marcel. I just bought a limited edition, never to be published again book on Turkey Call Makers on e-bay for $40 US. This particular Authors other books are now fetching a sum of $200-$600 per copy nowadays and this one will surely be the same. Now if I could only find his other 2 books for the price I paid for this one I'd be happier.

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