What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Hah... 6 DVDs in three days... I just finished watching the serie Band of Brothers along with the documentary We Stand Alone Together : The Men Of Easy Company, the making of, and Ron Livingston's video diary.
White Heat (1949) with James Cagney and Virgina Mayo.

I had never seen it before today.
I was quite surprised that the storyline involved Springfield, Illinois and Southern California.
They even mention the Springfield airport in one of the scenes and I only lived about three miles from it when I was a kid.
When street names were being mentioned I was able to place the location.

Not sure if that is why I liked the movie but I did.

The Polish film "On The Silver Globe" or in Polish "Na srebrnym globie"...its an unfinished film by directer Andrzej Zulawski.

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