What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Mine too Wayne.

Yesterday was John Wayne Day on Turner Classic Movies. After "Wings of Eagles" watched "The Horse Soldiers", another favorite.

I saw that it was John Wayne day on TCM later and watched a few of them yesterday. :thumbup:

McLintock! (1963)
The Sons of Katie Elder (1965)
True Grit (1969)
Three Faces West (1940)

The scene at the end with Maureen Ohara in "McLintock" is definitely not politically correct. :rolleyes:
Pretty much the same scene as the one in the The Quiet Man (1952) made 11 years earlier.

I missed The Green Berets (1968 ) which was shown yesterday too.

On topic, the last movie I saw would be Three Faces West (1940)

...we went and saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Well actually we saw about 3/4 of it before my wife's migrain got the better of her and we had to leave. We wrapped up this wonderful evening away from the kids by pulling over on the Wantagh Parkway so she could throw-up. Afterwards she said she found the movie kind of boring, but never having read the books I rather liked it. Would like to see District 9. I hear good things.

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