What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Got 3 dvd's on sale today, so tonight it's going to be either Die Hard 4.0, or either one of the two danish made dvd's about Denmark during WW2/German occupation of DK that I bought. 1st dvd covers 1939 to 1942, and 2nd goes from 1943 to 1945. 8) :thumbleft:
Watched another episode of BBC's 1972 "Colditz" series (episode 3, where the guy is caught and accused of being a spy, then an old German friend tries to get him to go back to England and help push for an armistice)
9/11 Conspiracies on National Geographic.....lots of crazy talk!

If you'd wear your tin-foil hat, like they recommend, the talk sounds a lot more plausible.


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