What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Watched/watching so far this weekend:

Inglourious Basterds: Typical Quinten Tarrentino....lots of bloody, violent deaths, extremely loose historical basis, almost-but-not-quite-plausible plot. Brainless action flick.

Public Enemy: not the thrilling action flick I thought it was going to be, but still good. Sorta like a graphic no-holds-barred documentary. From what I've looked up, seems like Hollywod followed history pretty closely on this one.

Battlestar Galactica Season4: Finishing out the season. AWESOME series!
The original with Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway The Thomas Crown Affair (1968 ) or the remake
with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) ?


You inspired me to watch The Getaway (1972) again. For anyone who has not seen it..."The Getaway" is another great Steve McQueen movie (with a sexy Ali MacGraw, as co-star) that was (poorly) re-made in the 90's. If you get the chance you should check out this Sam Peckinpah classic, its a gritty, bloody, 70's classic... 8)

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