What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Just watched "Inglorious Basterds" for the first time. Kinda disappointed.Tarantino usually has a strong storyline that, although he may wander within it, he sticks to it. This seemed just a bit lazy for him. Except for the basement bar scene. That was classic Quentin! In fact I have a feeling he thought that scene up first and just added all the rest.

Watch out, here comes the Bear Jew!!!!
Just watched "Inglorious Basterds" for the first time. Kinda disappointed.Tarantino usually has a strong storyline that, although he may wander within it, he sticks to it. This seemed just a bit lazy for him. Except for the basement bar scene. That was classic Quentin! In fact I have a feeling he thought that scene up first and just added all the rest.

Watch out, here comes the Bear Jew!!!!

I got too chapter four and hit the off button and my son who is 17 was only an OK he agreed the writing was weak.Kevin
My son has been pestering me....so today was the day!

Lord of the Rings....

The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
Return of the King

all extended versions so it was a long day of viewing!

Holy cr@p!! I've been wanting to do that for a few years now and never have the time. I have all 3 with the extended versions (much better) and they're about 4+ hours in length to each movie! Kudos Wayne!!
THe kids and I have done the LOTR marathon and a Harry Potter marathon. Makes for a great weekend of lounging with popcorn, candy and ice cream!!

Past 2 days- Inglorious bastards- liked it..... and the Hangover.... funny.

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