What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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OMG! Its a lazy Sunday afternoon, not feeling too good, so I decide to watch a DVD I got at the Dollar Store. It was listed as "The Battle of the Eagles" (1979 about a Yugoslav partisan flying group) but it really was " La Battaglia d'Inghilterra" about German infiltrators in London going after the radar units during June/July 1940. It had Fredrick Stafford and Van Johnson and others. Itailian made in 1969, it had me cracking up! The RAF were flying HA 1112s (Bf 109s) against the Luftwaffe who were flying..........Spitfires!!!! Van Johnson must have been desperate for money. Check this movie out if you want a good laugh! I got my money's worth!
Yeah I reakon I've seen that pile of crap. I've also seen "Battle of the eagles" too, which was also crap - you didn't miss much there mate. It gets hard watching 1960's era aircraft attacking German troops.
Oh, I know and its probably self-abuse watching these type of movies but when the RAF pilots jumped into a machine where the cockpit opened up and to the right with a little suction cup, I was crying! The Texans across the Dunkirk beach was typical but what the 'ell with the Spits and Messys switching sides!
To those guys here who either serve or have served in the armed forces of their nations -also those who are into guns-:

A few days ago i saw this science-fiction movie, "Aliens". Do you think a gun like the one appearing at 4:50 could ever exist? (The woman soldier yelling "Let´s rock" before opening fire).

Could this be some model that underwent some level of development but never reached "operational status"?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT4wq4EBw_o

For example, i also recall seeing a movie "Predator", with Schwarzennegger -or however that might be spelled-, where a soldier has an M61 Vulcan gun in a "man portable" version...is such a thing possible? That must be a hell of a backward kick. As far as i know there is only one use for such gun: aircraft and helicopters.

See it here when the black guy grabs his fallen comrade´s M61...can it be true? or just some more movie stuff?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GVopT4HSAY
Udet, those were some of the greatest sci-fi movies of the 80's. "Aliens" was directed by James Cameron, of "Terminator" fame and went on to finally do "Titanic". Pvt. Hudson (Bill Paxton) always appears in Cameron's movies - he was a thug in beginning of "Terminator" and the salvager in "Titanic".

The gun in "Predator" (and I am in know way knowledgable in this) I believe was not something you could do like in the movie. What with the battery pack and other stuff to carry, I think it was made up for the movie.

And don't bother with the sequels to either of those movies. Pure garbage. "Alien", "Aliens" and "Predator" should have been left as they were.
Watched Wind Talkersfor the first time it's a great story ruined by Hollywood I understand you have to have lots of special effects and blood etc but Cages character was just too superhuman
Watched "Tears of the Sun" with Bruce Willis. Wonder how accurate the Seals were portrayed? (any thoughts, Les?). Good movie, some disturbing scenes.
Njaco...i see.

I tended to believe the M61 presented in man portable version would be just some more movie stuff, even if it looks cool (and powerful).

I agree those 2 movies were good ones, however i have not seen too many movies of that type.
Same here. Too many of those type are garbage. But a few are well written, well acted, suspend belief admirally and most important....entertain. But its like a needle in a haystack.
I will agree the Predator is one hell of a cool looking beast.

Bloody tall and strong, also those tubes or whatever they are supposed to be around his head, that in the end seem like dread-locks only add to the overall brutally cool and tough look of the monster.
yes, and its just not a monster. Its something that has a back story, something that makes you interested in what happens. Not just thrown in there. Like movies like that.
Finished the series 'Long Way Down' with Ewan Mcgregor and Charlie Boorman.

A must for bike fans and travelling nuts.

THis is the sequel to a 'Long Way Round'

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