What your Favorite LATE WAR prop fighter says about you

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C'mon...conjugate the verb...

With changes to the UK education system in the 1970s, my headmaster at Grammar school who taught me religious studies, later taught me mathematics pure and applied at 6th form college (16 to 18 yr olds) He actually spoke Latin and could explain the etymology of English words with Latin and Greek roots (some people are just way too clever), it is very odd hearing someone speak in Latin, that isnt a historical quote.
The Hornet earns you a Bacon!
reading through this thread is hilarious. obvs my favorite is the Ki-43 , but if I have to pick a late war fighter, probably the Hellcat or the Ki-84
I know this is an older thread, but it's fun to talk about, so imma post anyway:
F6F-5: basically the same as the Mustang Kid but PTO flavored: you're either very surface level freeaboo, or you're a "soft factors" kinda guy. Things like reliability, cockpit layout, manufacturing cost and speed, etc
FM-2: You're DEFINITELY a soft factors guy, AND you know enough that you know this plane was still around late war
SBD: "Sir, that's not a fighter"
"It is now"
(no joke, it had a 3:1 K/D)
P-47M: you REALLY don't get along with the Mustang Kid, because you were here first, dangit!
P-38L: You just really like twin booms
F4U-4: same but with the Hellcat kid.
A6M5: "Aktually the zero was still very effective-"
J2M5: Embarrassed by the Zero kid
Ki-84: you're mad because someone spiked your gasoline with pine tar again
Bf 109K: basically zero kid, but even less likely to be ironic.
Tempest: "Ah, after 10,000 failed prototypes I'm Free! TIME TO CONQUER EUROPE". Think you're better than spitfire kid, but you both agree that you're both better than everyone else.

And for the REALLY late war stuff:
P-51H: You were Mustang kid, maybe you still are. Either way, you just really like them conics, man
F7F: You definitely also like the F-14.
F8F Bearcat: "This plane remains airborne thru sheer force of anger". You are the gate keeper to the super prop club
A7M2: you cry yourself to sleep at night knowing this plane wouldn't have had any carriers to use if it reached the front lines anyway

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