World Cup

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The England game was a farce, England are going nowhere. And you're right, Dan, Beckham is a wash-out. He always has been, he can't even take a penalty and aim to get the ball between the posts.

The best goal of the tournament so far has definately been that 32 yard smash from Germany.
Maybe (just maybe) the US team will lull the Italians into a false sense of security and we will beat them.

Funny thing at work today was no one cared about the game, and all the sports fans were only talking about Mexico's victory over Iran.
time for the US to go home .......... they have no pride right now . Better they go to a good Bierhaus and soak up the atmosphere cause it's all over for them

go Deutschland ! 8)
The problem with the US team is there playing style. They actually have a decent team but when compared to the greats of Europe and South America they are a step behind. The only reason the US team is ranked so high is because most of the teams in there Region (Concacaf) are not very good.

I truely wish they could have developed something this World Cup. I would like to ahve seen a Germany/USA Final game. Oh well as Erich put, Germany is going to win the whole thing.
I only saw that game near the end, just to watch Australia snatch it with three goals in six minutes.
Well the game was exciting. Germany only won it 1-0 but they outplayed the Poles all night. It really was a great game and the crowed went crazy and so did the whole city of Ansbach last night. Traffic was crazy with people partying and honking horns and waving flags.

With that win Germany has secured there spot in the finals rounds.

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