Worlds Greatest Rock Roll Band...

Worlds Greatest Rock Roll Band...

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17 year old son sitting next to me says "Metallica". However, 'the old man' has been an Alice Cooper 'fan' since his 'SCHOOLS OUT' album.
No Thin Lizzie...shame...

I have been a Queen fan for yonks and never shook it off...

But for me Led Zep are musically the best at what they did...but a bit too serious for my taste.
Queen is the stuff.

I'm getting back into them. Playing guitar I jump around from band to band, genre to genre. Queen are in my top 3 favourite band. Among them the Beatles and Metallica are stable mates.

Brian May is one of the most tasteful guitarist in my opinion, hes like Dave Gilmour doesnt over play things, lovely.
I saw Queen at the Seattle Center Collessieum in 1980.
Good show, but that was the "dubbed tour".
During one song (don't remember which one, right now), Freddie Mercury would be playing piano by himself and fog would roll over the stage.
We had seats that pretty much looked over top of the stage and I watched him walk right off....but the music was still playing.
I heard, later he had to pop off and get a little


Probably Bohemian Rhapsody, they never sang the middle part (Galilao Galilao etc) live, but would return for the ending which was sung live.
Here come the groans...if it wasn't for Led Zep, you wouldn't have those other Bands.

I'm not groaning, I'm cheering!

Yes, I would say The Mighty Zep started it all, and they are my favorite band of all time. Every other hard rock/metal band since then has tried (and failed) to be them (especially Van Halen, the only ones to come close). Zep could play anything, and often did. There's a radio station out here on the West Coast that plays "Get The Led Out" every evening at 7:00 PM; there's a reason for that. No other rock band played so many different songs (rock, blues, R&B, metal, etc.), and played them all well.

Long Live The Mighty Zep!
"Heavy" bands change with the tide.
Jimmy Page's original pick for the drummer of "The New Yardbirds" was Procol Harum's B.J. Wilson, because he was considered about the heaviest drummer on the planet back then and Procol Harum was about as heavy as it got.
Vanilla Fudge hit before Zeppelin and their drummer, Carmine Appiece, was also considered to have a H-U-G-E sound.
In fact, Bonzo was quite enamoured of him.

Actually Holly was just one of a myriad of performers who helped shape rock-n-roll, starting in the 1950's.
It is said that Chess Records house drummer, Fred Below, is the person actually responsible for popularizing the "backbeat" rhythm (through his work with Chuck Berry) that is one of the single most paramount elements of what has become known as the "Rock" genre.
Although based on several older rhythms, The Rock-n-Roll Back Beat was "straightened out" by taking the "bounce" out of the rhythm.
This is accomplished by evening out the rhythm played on the cymbal.
Instead of "1--A-2" (Jazz triplet), its played "1-2-3-4", or "1--2..." (1/8th notes), or even 1-e--a-2..." (1/16 notes).
The Bass drum is played on 1 and 3. The snare drum on 2 and 4.
Beacuse the snare drum follows the bass drum, as the rhythm is played, it falls behind, "the one", thus its considered "behind" or "in back of" the beat.
Back Beat.
"Boom-Bap, Boom-Bap" - the essence of popular music for about the past 50 years.


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