WW2Aircraft.Net T-Shirt??? Yea or Nay...

WW2Aircraft.Net T-Shirt... Yea or Nay...

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First attempt - I missed a few for the sake of balance, but only ones like Iraq, so should not matter..

Anyhow, views on this one:

I would say get rid of the swastica as there already is a german cross. The swastica is to controversial and unnecessary.
I'm going with the anti-swastika view now.

Changes for approval this time:

Finland swastika replaced with roundel

Latvia swastika removed, replaced with Iraq roundel

I'll change the actual shirt when there's been a bit of yes/no feedback :)


  • WW2_Aircraft_Net.png
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Nice, I like it. :thumbleft:
But I got to admit that I like GrauGeist's design better - it doesn't take up nearly as much space on the shirt, and to me GG's design looks better overall.
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I did not know the shirts were ready for purchase. I just ordered two. I hope to wear one at Wings Over Houston on 31 Oct. I will post a picture of it in front of a bird. Clave what plane would like in the background? I was thinking a thread of us wearing the shirts at fly ins, airshows, and museums around the world.

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