1:32 Hasegawa BF 109 G-14

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going back to modelling, I finally completed the engine department based on the Aires kit plus some wiring.
I must say that has been a challenge, at least for me.
I was expecting troubles in combining the the MDC cockpit with the Aires bulkhead, see my previous posts, but I was really surprised by how complicate was to convince the Aires engine to go together with Aires cowling parts.
By the way, after filing, trimming and adjusting I got the following result:

I also wanted to try the p.e. "Erla" Detailed Canopy issued by RB Production

and I must say that Radu Brinzan did a very nice job.

There are still a number of details to be added before and after painting, including the Galland Panzer and the retaining lanyard but this canopy is a real model-in-the-model.

So I'm almost ready to start painting.
Some more pictures will follow.
Excellent work Alberto ! I saw an advert for the RB canopy for the Bf109E/F, and, as you say, they are a model within the model - superb canopies.
Looks real good Al Did you use CA to put the canopy together?Cheers
Yes, I used CA. It worked very well with the brass p.e. parts as well as with the transparent styrene.
What I also did was to use 0.3 mm thick styrene instead of supplied 0.1 mm, this in order to get more rigidity to the assembly.
I know that 0.3 mm times 32 means a 9.6 mm thick glass, but it is still much better then the Hase kit part which is between 1 and 1.5 mm thick.
a little, very little step forward: I managed to add glasses to the Revi Gunsight

but, before installing it into the dashboard, I replaced the main glass and added little leather cushion on the pilot side

Now I can add the front part of the canopy and start considering to paint the bird.
I apologize for the bad quality of some photos, but I find difficult to get the right focus on small subjects with my camera.
here I'm again!
I finally completed the basic painting, including insignia on fuselage and wings.
I decided to paint the latter for two main reasons:
1) the ANR fasces on upper wings had to be symmetrical and this wasn't available on my decals sheet, so I made myself the relevant masks. For fuselage and under-wing I used Montex mask.
2) I also wanted to reduce the number of issues normally linked to decals

Here are some pictures:

Next will be apply the chevrons (mask or decal?) and all small decals; add all little details and some weathering.
Any comment or suggestion is more then welcome.

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