1/32 Spitfire Mk.Vb - Defence of Britain/Atlantic.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Username: Airframes
Name: Terry.
Category: Judge - none competing.
Scale: 1/32nd scale.
Kit: Hasegawa Spitfire MkVb.
Accessories: HGW fabric seat belts, Xtradecal and home made decals, some scratch-building.

It's been over five months since I've been at the bench, due to problems associated with arthritis, so I hope I can get back into the swing with this one !
The subject will be the Spitfire MkVb, coded AZ-X, flown by P/O Stan Farmiloe in late 1943 / early 1944, operating from bases in South West England, when the Squadron was engaged in both coastal defence, and sweeps across the Channel. I've had the kit for a couple of years now, and have been looking for a suitable subject for a 'clipped' wing MkV variant, having already used the venerable Hasegawa offering three times in the past 30 years, but converted into the Mk1, MkIX and MkXIV respectively !
I had the pleasure of meeting Stan a couple of times, back in 1995, at the 50th Anniversary of the attack on Shell House, the Gestapo HQ in Copenhagen (Stan flew a 234 Sqn Mustang III as one of the escort on the operation), and a month later, at a more sombre event, during the funeral of W/Cdr 'JAS' Storrar, at Christelton, near Chester, UK.
It was only a couple of months ago, after adding another volume of the 'Action Stations' series to my library, that I chanced upon a photo, in the book, showing Stan's Spitfire in flight, and decided that this would be an ideal subject for the model. I just need to confirm the letter prefix of the serial number, which is a bit feint in the photo, but the numbers are definitely '709', and I'll post some pics in the next post.

Note:- I hope this posts OK, as the 'tools' bar is not showing on the forum's header to this thread !
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Thanks Red Two.

Here's pics of the box art from the old Hasegawa kit, and the photo of Stan in his Spitfire, plus a shot of Stan (on the left) alongside the famous ace 'Jas' Storrar, taken in 1995 in Copenhagen. Sadly, both men, real gentlemen of the old school, have since passed away.

The Squadron had remained mainly in the south of England right through the Battle of Britain, flying the Spitfire Mk1, and continued flying the Spitfire, with the MkII, MkVb, MkVc and MkVI, and were one of the few squadrons who retained the MkV on front-line duties right up to 'D-Day' and beyond, eventually converting to the Mustang MkIII (P-51C) in September 1944, then the Mustang MkIV (P-51D/K) just before the end of the war, in March 1945. Stan's Mustangs, both MkIII and MkIV, were also coded AZ-X.
I hope to make a start on this during the coming week, whilst also attempting to finish the two Starfighters which have been gathering dust since February !


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Thanks chaps - I just hope my hands work when needed, in order to make at least a half-decent job of it !

Karl, if you want to do Stan's aircraft, his MkIII was camouflaged, and I have the serial number and code details etc, but his MkIV (a P-51K) was overall 'Aluminium', with a red nose and spinner, OD anti-glare panel and canopy lower frame, and a red diamond and eagle motif on the fin. Codes and serials on this were black, and I have a b&W pic if you need it.
Thanks chaps - I just hope my hands work when needed, in order to make at least a half-decent job of it !

Karl, if you want to do Stan's aircraft, his MkIII was camouflaged, and I have the serial number and code details etc, but his MkIV (a P-51K) was overall 'Aluminium', with a red nose and spinner, OD anti-glare panel and canopy lower frame, and a red diamond and eagle motif on the fin. Codes and serials on this were black, and I have a b&W pic if you need it.

Bugger, got a MkIII set aside for a Polish Mustang, oh well can't go wrong with 2 cammo MkIII' s !
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Got it Terry - I think

39MU Starveall Farm dispersal 6-7-41 Westland 26-9-41 on loan as pattern aircraft AGME 5-1-42 CRD AAEE 17-1-42 VASM 31-8-43 fuel syst mods Type S pt fin MkIII IFF bomb racks 234S 'AZ-X' 10-1-44 AST 30-5-44 144AF 31-5-44 CB ops 4-8-44 ros AGME 22-12-44 3505SU 7-6-45 587S 14-6-45 ASTH 10-10-45 dbr SOC 25-10-45


Brilliant !
Thanks very much indeed Peter, that's saved me breaking my wrists searching through the Shacklady 'Spitfire - The History' book, which weighs a considerable amount !
Thanks Glenn, I'm looking forward to it.
Peter, I was resisting having to even lift that mighty tome off the shelf, and tried the 'net for serials/allocation listings, but even on the 'Spitfire Site' I drew a blank for some reason !
I've played around with the photo to view the serial more clearly, and I agree, it is P8709. Before you came up with the answer, I'd almost convinced myself it was in the 'AB' serial range, and on browsing through the production blocks, I was frustrated that I couldn't find that sequence!
It never occurred to me that it would be an earlier (diverted from Mk1/MkII) production series !!
Thanks Jeff, and thanks Andy. I'm at the bench now, but the kit box isn't anywhere near me yet - might have a it of a 'furtle' later, after a couple of hours kip.
I stayed up most of the night working on the badges for DX, and then couldn't get to sleep, so continued from around 06.00 this morning !!

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