1/48 B17G Flying Fortress [Revell]

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Thanks all! Did a buff wash to fade it out and some silver dry brush on the cart, sprayed the wheels black.. they still seem to have a seam, ugh!
I managed to find the time to wad some tissue in there..... :lol:

Next up is the wings and such, I looked through the rest of the instructions and its all a fly-by, still my worst fear is the Alclad application. One choke on a NMF and you're toast!


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Looking good Mag. If I may make a suggestion though. Once the wings are on and sorted, fit the cockpit windows and nose cone. Do any work required around the joint of the cockpit glazing, as it's not a great fit, and will need some filling. I'd suggesr Micro 'Kristal Kleer' or PVA, brushed into the joints, wiping off any excess with a wet finger tip or whatever.
Then, tape over the top turret opening, cutting to shape. The reason for these suggestions are two fold. First, by doing the cockpit windows now, it'll prevent any damage to the finish once sprayed, and they can be masked for the spraying, leaving the framework clear. Second, unless you ensure that ALL openings are totally sealed, there's a strong possibility that metallic particles from the Alclad could find their way inside - this is a peculiarity of ALL metallic finishes when sprayed; the metalizer is carried in any overspray mist, and deposits on all and every surface, especially raised detail. It shows up starkly, unlike a similar problem with 'solid' colours.
Looking forward to more pics mate.
Sounds an idea Terry, I do have micro-mask which is liquid tape which puts a nice film over anything.. Its what I used on the windows on the B17 right now and the Alclad primer didnt break through so I dont suppose the metalizer will either.. washes away with water, nice stuff. Just need to tamper with some stuff, like sanding out sprue marks and such on the plastic. I have testors window glue, but I will paint some over the joints as suggested!
Lookin' real sweet dude, keep the pics coming. I had the clear side 17 when i was 11 or 12 years old, i'm 43 now. I still remember building it, think it took me about a day and a half...lol
Haha, pics will come soon.. side tracked on a 1/72 P47 and school lets out Wednesday, much will be accomplished this summer!
I had that model when it was under the Monogram name. It's a great kit. Don't ask to see mine. My love for firecrackers in my youth dashed any hopes of puting it on here.
Heres a dry fit of the wings.. if most of you know my workbench space by now, this this is massive!! By the looks of this going to be cranking out the putty :|


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Thanks Rochie, I ordered 2 bottles of Chrome Alclad for this.. going to spend lots of prep time with sanding and putty and prepping the surface so I dont screw up the "aclad" look or more paint then I need to. All thats left (Before paint shop) is gluing in stabilizers, puttying all the seams, stuffing the interior good, and cleaning the surface. Still thinking of where to put this thing, its going to be on a 2 by 2 base for my little dio.
Yes Airframes, very problematic! The 1/72 Bombers are a nice size though, will probably stick to those after this one.

I puttied the two wing / fuselage seams top and bottom and sanded em smooth. I went back to check the gap between the top / bottom part of the wing at the 4 nacelles(?) and did some putty there and did a silver paint check and yep it wasnt all covered. I ordered an 8 oz bottle of Micro Gloss [Which I found out is meant for cars, but hey its amazing] which I will fill in all these sanding marks and make the surface smooth. Stabilizers going on next, putty there, and probably will rest the kit until my supplies come.. :)

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