1/48 Lindberg Jenny WIP

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Damn Andy this is incredible info, have always had problems rigging, never could come up with a good rig and the use of shaped brass rod to replace weak plastic parts, that's good thinking. Bet the Dremel has to work overtime.
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Damn Andy this is incredible info, have always had problems rigging, never could come up with a good rig and the use of shaped brass rod to replace weak plastic parts, that's good thinking. Bet the Dremel has to work overtime.

I LOVE the smell of a smoking cutting wheel in the morning.
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Here's a pic with the fences and hoops added. Just need to add a few more wires, give it a final Dullcoat and add the windscreens. Should be posting a bunch of final pics latter today. Then I think I still have time to get in on the Cold War group build.


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Well, here's the finished model.


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