1/48th Spitfire Vc, 136 Sqn, Burma, 1943-44.

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Truly brilliant. Clearly loads of work involved and it paid off. Very good display base too. Altogether something to aim for, for me.
Thanks very much chaps, it's very much appreciated.
Wayne, I think I'll be getting in touch for some info about 'Oscars' - I have the IJAF unit info on file, and will let you know when I get around to doing it.
Hi Guys
We have just returned from the depths of the 'frozen north' and seeing Terry to pick up the Spit have an excellent lunch with 'the master'!
As you will have realised from the pictures the Spit is as usual from Terry a true work of art. The detail finish are amazing right down to the background/base which Terry has created to set the model off.

The three models which Terry has kindly made for us – the Hurricane, Spitfire MkVIII and now the MkVc are a superb tribute to Bob Cross all the guys who fought in the Asian Theatre and Barbara I are very grateful to Terry for bringing the aircraft Bob flew to life. They exceed our best expectations – thanks Terry bring on the Oscar!!
Barbara Max
:) :) :)
Lovely finish Terry. It complements the other two aircraft in the series perfectly. I can see why Max and Barbara would be so pleased. Well done.
At last! All done, and pics ready before I anticipated.
I had a couple of minor problems, as described, and there was no way I could attach the scratch-built canopy release and jettison assembly, without causing damage, so regrettably, this has been omitted.

I showed these images to my Grandpa, he flew this callsign in Chittagong, he said "That's my plane" - awesome!!!!

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