1/72 Italeri Heinkel HE-III H-6; 2/Kg 28, Mediterranean Sea 1942-1943 Group Build

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Sounds amazing.. ive probably had a few of those nights, rarely. I see the kits and the painted figures and want to do all of it but haven't. I feel I might get something going with the 111, as the more I look at it the more I want to continue. Oh fun, putty..
If it's the puttying that's slowing you down, I know exactly how you feel. It's my least favourite part of finising a kit and I tend to get distracted at this point, too. I do a little at a little at a time, set it aside, come back, do a little more and then accelerate again when the fiddly bits and painting starts.

Hang in there.
I guess it happens to us all at some stage. With me, it's normally the very final finishing touhes. It almost happened with the Beau for the MTO build, but I've got on with the diorama part of the model, and started the next build, which has given me a boost.
Once you start, possibly feeling half-hearted about it, you'll get back into the rythm and be on a roll.
Been working on it the last two days. Don't worry about the random colors, was just trying stuff on scrap plastic... I mean my heinkel.


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torpedo bombers Rock!!
Yes, I wanted to try and weather a rust or algae on them but then thought neither would occur. I could be wrong though.. The torps are painted in gray with black tips, so possible chipping.
Base coat for the mottle, this time I sprayed a coat, checked for those little hairs and sanded them off and sprayed another. Pretty effective because the surface is clean. That left engine cowl (3rd picture) is annoying me a bit, its filled and such, but theres a little lip that sets it off from the right one. Most likely going to fill it in even more and just repsray the area. :|


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Yup.. going to cut out mottle shapes from my tape, place them down, then spray the sand. I have no confidence in a freehand airbrush attempt at mottling.
Thanks all! I am suprised that my rescribed lines (from sanding away the raised panel lines) are matching the other raised ones so well on the camera. I went back and rescribed the tails lines and filled in that left engine. Now, to practice mottle freehand with the airbrush on the bottom of heinkel.. :shock:

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