Airfix 1/24 scale Bf109E.....or a bed of thorns

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Very nice work Wojtek. I like the tail wheel axle especially. What is the best way to cut the hypodermic needle tubes? I was going to use my razor saw, but don't want to spoil the blade.
Very nice work Wojtek. I like the tail wheel axle especially. What is the best way to cut the hypodermic needle tubes? I was going to use my razor saw, but don't want to spoil the blade.

I use a needle file to score the needle where I want it cut and then use my hobby saw (not razor saw) for most of the cutting. I hold the needle and draw it over the blade rather than putting the needle in a vise (which I don't own anyway). After you cut the piece you want you will still probably need to do a little bit of filing at the end.

I tried using wire cutters but it ended up crimping the tube.


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I use a needle file to score the needle where I want it cut and then use my hobby saw (not razor saw) for most of the cutting. I hold the needle and draw it over the blade rather than putting the needle in a vise (which I don't own anyway). After you cut the piece you want you will still probably need to do a little bit of filing at the end.

I tried using wire cutters but it ended up crimping the tube.

I would never have guessed using that, great tip!
What is the best way to cut the hypodermic needle tubes?

Terry I use a knife for wall papers cutting.These are easy to buy.It is like the one in the pic below.
I mark a line where the needle has to be cut and then I move the knife a few times forward and back. It seems that the steel of hypodermic needles is not too hard.Usually it is enough to cut it a little bit.And then you can break it down.with fingers. But I cut a needle to its half in the diameter, then breaking.The pipe ends I sand a little bit with a flat file or sandpaper.


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Thanks Dwight and Wojtek. I'll be using a hypodermic to replace the fragile long pitot on the Bucanneer, so I'll have a go with the file and knife. BTW, thanks Dwight - this is the first (but not last !) use of the needles you sent me !
You'r welcome Terry. These hypodermic needles can be used for many things. I use them for all MGs, cannons etc....barrels as well.

Back to the Bf109 fuselage. Because the line of gluing is realy long I sticked both halves of the fuselage in a couple of steps. The first one was applying the Gunze Lemeon glue at both bottom edges of the fuselage halves, going from the wing leading edge back to the tail wheel bay. Of course the cockpit main interior had been attache before.Also I had added a cross-section with the seating of the tail wheel. I have applied the glue to both edges of the fuselage halves.Then put them togeter paying attention to panel lines. The Gunze glue melts styrene quite nice but not too quick.So there was some time for a proper fitting.Then I squeezed both halves with rubber bands, letting the glue and melted plastic overflow from the seam slightly .And then I've put the fuselage away for a day in order to let the seam overflow be hardened. The way of gluing lets avoid problems with gaps and using of a putty.


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THX Vic...:D

The next step was sticking together of the front bottom part of the fuselage.


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THX Mate. Appreciate....:D

Having the fuselage put together I have sanded seams.Initially I used a small flat file and then sandpaper of two grades. Unfortunately a problem appeared.One of the fuselage halves is a little bit thicker at the top area .What means that there is a kind of "stair" and is running along the fuselage top edge. As a result I had to sand more the fuselage top oft the starboard half. I lost a part of rivets at the area and had to make it symmetrically for both halves. The same happened to the bottom edge of the fuselage.


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THX. :)

When the fuselage halves were sticked together and the glue hardened I looked at this carefully. I found there were a few incorrections of moulded parts. The main one was at the top of fuselage directly behind the cockpit, secondly all edges of bottom air intakes to the engine department, were too thick and there were cavities at the area as well.

A couple of shots.....


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THX Mates. And you are right Vic. Step by step I was progressing . However it was needed to check all things twice and more time before I could attach anthing or said "done".
For ironing out of these prickles I used files, Superglue and sandpaper. The incorrection behind the cocpit I filled with the CA glue.I applied two layers of that there.Also I did the same to these cavities on the fin but a drop of Superglue was enough fortunately.And to a couple of small cavities on the fuselage. The more serious problem appared at the front area.I have checked the spiner fitting. It emerged that the diameter of the back part of the spinner and the front area of the fuselage weren't the same. Not much but just a little bit. I have corrected it by gentle cutting and splitting both fuselage halves at the area.Then I inserted a piece of styrene with CA glue. I used a piece of overflow from the kit.Becuse there were cavities at the area I applied the Superglue there filling cavities and a gap that appeared.


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