Airfix 1/48 Seafire FR47

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Angels one-five

Airman 1st Class
Jun 29, 2009
Salisbury, UK
Finally got this one underway after finding very little freetime of late. I've started the detail painting and hopefully will get the fuselage etc together tonight. I thought I'd include a pilot figure for a change and I'm quite pleased with the results so far. I realise that a 1950's RN Seafire pilot probably would be wearing coveralls rather than No 5 dress, but I wanted a bit of gold braid on the sleeves to mark him out as 'different'!

This one will be completely 'out of the box' less some leftover cameras from the Spitfire PRXIX that I may use to sit behind the camera ports (if I can get them to fit!). Special mention must go to Airfix spares for this one, who provided me with over 20 missing bits that I had used on my Spitfire 21 conversion. Great customer service.




Nice work so far. How about giving the pilot the white, cape leather FAA 'Type C' helmet, like this one I have in my small collection ? (modelled here by my mate Mick !)


  • Flying Helmet 001.jpg
    Flying Helmet 001.jpg
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  • Flying Helmet 018.jpg
    Flying Helmet 018.jpg
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  • Flying Helmet 019.jpg
    Flying Helmet 019.jpg
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Thanks Terry. I'm not overly familiar with flying helmets - is the type C in your photos more typical of a post-war helmet than brown leather? The Seafire will be in the Airfix-supplied Korean War markings if that helps timeframe.


The later 'C Type' had the smaller, rubber covers over the headphones, and was dark brown leather. The type I have, and posted above, was also made in dark brown, and used in the early war period by both the RAF and FAA. As far as I know, the FAA used the white helmet, alongside the later style, in tropical areas, and mine dates from the Korean War period, used by a Lt. from 810 Naval Air Sqn., so a white helmet would not look amiss.
Thanks for that - in that case I may repaint the helmet as it will add to the 'different' aspect of the uniform. I was hoping to get the airframe together last night, but discovered a big ejector pin mark on the pilot headrest which will need attention and after drilling out the camera port windows I realised that I needed to fill in and rescribe the access door on one, and scribe an access door for the other... I hate scribing...!
A bit of progress tonight. Cameras installed in the bays, cockpit fitted, pilot (with repainted helmet - cheers Terry) in and fuselage halves and inner wings fitted. Coming together nicely. As always, having added some detail, none of it can now be seen.... still, I know it's there :p





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Thanks Wayne.

A bit more progress, wings and tailplanes on, gaps filled and ready for primer. Hopefully ready for painting this weekend.


In the absence of an airbrush I was going to use rattle cans. Humbrol produce sky in rattle can but not Extra Dark Sea Grey. Does anyone know of a good aerosol match for EDSG? If not I'll brush paint.

Looking good so far. Can't help with the aerosol I'm afraid, as i never use them on models, even for clear coats. Personally, in this scale, I think you'd get a better finish by brush-painting, if using enamels.
Thanks Terry. It may come to brush painting, but I like the idea of rattle cans for speed - a trip to my LHS tomorrow I think.

Another step closer - primer done and props and undercarriage getting some attention.


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